
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2020

Chinese Tourists can't Wait to Go in Bali

The discourse on the 'travel bubble' program by the government of Indonesia is very attractive to Chinese and South Korean tourists.

Barong & Keris Dance in Batubulan Village-Bali | Foto: Michael Gunther/Wikimedia Commons
Tourists in East Asian countries can't wait to go on vacation to the Island of the Gods (Bali), but their wishes cannot be fulfilled for a while, regarding policies during the pandemic, foreign tourists will not be accepted until the end of the year.

Through the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said the government is currently focusing on encouraging domestic tourists to return to vacation to various Indonesian destinations in the 'new normal' era.

Luhut said the government wants 70% of domestic tourists. Foreign tourists, until the end of the year will not receive it. Let domestic tourists first consolidate themselves.

Meanwhile, the head of the Bali Tourism Board (BTB) Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana, in the INACA Casual Talk webinar with the theme "Is It Safe to Have a Vacation Now", said that Bali currently has not opened up to tourists according to the direction of the central government.

But Agung Partha, very much welcomes the discourse of the 'travel bubble' between 2 countries in order to attract tourists. According to him, the opening for Korea directly to Bali 'bubble tourism' is really good for Bali. "Usually the active ambassadors in Bali," he said.

The government has indeed planned to create a 'travel bubble' or Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA). A number of countries such as South Korea to China are on the list.

Apart from South Korea, Agung Partha also mentioned a very potential Chinese market. The number of Chinese tourists who come to Bali is indeed competing with Australia, which is a regular customer.

"I checked this with the Ambassador, China itself they are safe. It is time for them to go on vacation to Bali. Bubble tourism is important. We are looking for areas in Bali (to be promoted), there are many areas in Bali that do not gather," he added.

Previously, Bali destinations still dominated tourism in the world, especially in Asia. In a poll organized by travel plans and reviews site TripAdvisor, Bali is in the top 4 of the 25 best destinations in the world according to TripAdvisor, released in August 2020.

However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it became a challenge for the managers of destinations around the world. Because they all have to clean up and formulate new regulations, so that tourists have a safe and comfortable vacation by applying health protocols and CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability).


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