
Kamis, 17 September 2020

Epidemiologists: Tourist Attractions Should be Closed

The spread of Covid-19 is still a frightening specter for tourists on vacation to various destinations in Indonesia. Based on data from the Covid-19 Task Force, the positivity rate in Indonesia in August was the highest since April 2020.
Kecak Dance in Bali | Foto: Rikkatmansenhtb/Wikimedia Commons
The high positivity rate is directly proportional to the national growth rate of positive cases of Covid-19. In the last four days, the Covid-19 Task Force recorded the addition of positive cases of Covid-19 to break the previous record.

According to Wiku Adisasmito, Head of the Expert Team and Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, the massive addition of positive cases in the last three days was inseparable from the long holiday the previous week.

First, the commemoration of Indonesia's 75th anniversary which is commemorated every August 17. The commemoration of Indonesia's independence day happened to fall on Monday. Second, the Hijriyah New Year holiday which falls on August 20 and is followed by a joint leave holiday on August 21 and weekend holidays.

"The majority of the addition of new cases, when traced, occurred on the date of transmission from August 16 to 22. This was during the long weekend , the rate of transmission was quite high in that period," Wiku said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, Epidemiology Expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono said tourist attractions should be closed until next year to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Because, according to him, if tourist attractions are not closed, people will still go on vacation in the midst of the pandemic and will cause a spike in Covid-19 cases.

"All tourist centers should be closed until next year, until the vaccine is available," said Miko, launching on Tuesday (1/9).

Miko assessed that there is no other way to prevent people from going on vacation if tourist attractions are not closed.

Therefore, according to him, it is better if tourist attractions are closed until conditions for Covid-19 begin to be conducive.

"If the tourist spots are opened, then there are no regulations on not being allowed to travel," he said.

Even so, Miko said, it would not be a problem for tourist attractions to be opened as long as officers and visitors always applied health protocols, starting from using masks, maintaining distance and washing hands diligently using soap and running water or using hand sanitizers.

"If you want, you have to use a face shield for all those who travel. Because it will mix with people who are red, orange, yellow and green mixed in tourist attractions," he said.

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